Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Back at Home. Back at Work.

Okay, so the writer in me wants the world to know that I came back from this amazing conference where I did get amazing things done -- and I did ... it really was a successful conference for me -- and I want to say "Yes, I jumped back into work, have written three articles, done three interviews and set up my class and started the new book ..."

But the truth is, conferences are exhausting endeavors and though I can claim to have everything in place for not only the Firefly Online workshop I teach next week to the winners of the Brenda Novak Online Auction for Diabetes; *and* say I am ready to start the eight month mentor program I gave away for the same cause, the closest thing I can say I have done to writing is I thought of a short story and have yet to type two words on it.

I'm just too tired!! LOL ... but I foresee that I will be done with tired tomorrow. Tomorrow I go back to work for real with a book to send out to the agent, a short story for a magazine and an article I have due for the KOD in September.

Yeap ... these tired fingers are ready to start typing again. I look forward to it. And I hope to hear back from the readers out there. I still have the workbook for sale and if you are interested, just let me know. I will make arrangements to get a copy to get to you. The first printing is almost sold out, though. Hurry!! Remember, 100% of proceeds go to assist The Northern Arizona Romance Writers. I am just the messenger!!


  1. Thinking of a story idea is the toughest part! Well, that and editing.

  2. Ahhh ... that was sweet!! And very encouraging, thank you very much!!! :)
