Sunday, July 12, 2009

"Get Down to Work Workbook ..."

Memo to everyone going to National: the newly released "Get Down to Work Time Management Workbook by Anne Marie Beck and myself will be available for the first time ever at the Moonlight Madness Bazaar on Thursday night in DC. Anyone interested in one who can't attend, contact The Northern Arizona Romance Writers of America (NARWA) or one of the authors (Anne Marie or me!!). 100% of proceeds go to help NARWA.

Note what Lifetime Achievement Recipient, Vicki Lewis Thompson had to say about the book: "A focused writer is a selling writer. Bravo to Becker and Jacoby for providing such an indispensable tool!"

Thank you Vicki!!


  1. So glad you'll be blogging about the conference. I'll be there, but you well know there is so much going on that no one can take in everything!

    See you at the Moonlight Madness sale --- best wishes on lots of sales of the book. What a great tool.
    Nancy Naigle

  2. So where can those of us who didn't make to the conference get a copy?
